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  • Writer's pictureMs. Marie

The Art of Writing

Updated: Jan 26, 2020

This semester English classes will center on writing good and effective sentences, paragraphs, essays, and research papers.

Monday, January 27, 2020~~Students will build a sentence that includes a subject,

action verb, indirect object, direct object, modifiers

(adjectives and/or adverbs), and prepositional phrase(s).

Tuesday, January 28, 2020~~Post test on Proofing, Editing, and Revising

HOMEWORK: Write a 15 work grammatically correct sentence using you,

your, and you're correctly.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020~~Begin class discussion of pretest answers (1 - 25).

HOMEWORK: Write a 15 work grammatically correct sentence using to, too,

and two correctly.

Thursday, January 30, 2020~~Finish discussing the post test answers (26 - 50).



Monday, January 20, 2020~~CLOSED for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 21, 2020~~Take up or look at students' sentences with their,

there, and they're.

~~Assign the Correcting Mistakes in Sentences worksheet

and have students rewrite each sentence correctly.

~~Review the first four sentences as a class

HOMEWORK: Finish the Correcting Mistakes in Sentences worksheet.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020~~Review the remaining sentence on the Correcting

Mistakes in Sentences worksheet.

~~Assign Spot It! Which are Grammatically Correct?

worksheet and have students circle the number of

each correct sentence.

~~Assign for students to rewrite incorrect sentences.

~~Begin reviewing corrections as a class.

HOMEWORK: Finish corrections on the worksheet.

Thursday, January 23, 2020~~Review the remaining sentences from Grammatically

Correct worksheet.

~~Assign Find the Misplaced Modifiers worksheet and have

students circle the number of each correct sentence.

~~Assign for students to rewrite incorrect sentences.

~~Begin reviewing corrections as a class.

HOMEWORK: Finish the Misplaced Modifier worksheet.


Monday, January 13, 2020~~Assign worksheet on Correcting Mistakes: Rewrite the

Sentence. Make all sentences grammatically correct.

~~Take up and mark incorrect answers.

HOMEWORK: Correct incorrect rewrites

Tuesday, January 14, 2020~~Review Correcting Mistakes worksheet as a class.

~~Assign worksheet: SpotIt! Unnecessary Words

~~Mark incorrect answers.

~~Have students rewrite the sentences that have

unnecessary words.

HOMEWORK: Finish the Spot It! worksheet

Wednesday, January 15, 2020~~Review unnecessary words worksheet as a class.

~~Assign paragraphs 1 and 2 and have students correct

all grammar mistakes by rewriting the paragraphs.

HOMEWORK: Finish the two paragraph rewrites.

Thursday, January 16, 2020~~Take up paragraphs 1 and 2 and mark incorrect


~~Assign worksheet: Spot It! Faulty Coordination.

~~Mark incorrect answers.

~~Have students rewrite the sentences that have

faulty coordination.

HOMEWORK: Finish the worksheet and write a 15 work grammatically correct

sentence using there, their, and they're correctly.


Tuesday, January 7, 2020~~Pretest on Proofing, Editing, and Revising


Wednesday, January 8, 2020~~Begin class discussion of pretest answers.


Thursday, January 9, 2020~~Finish discussing the pretest answers.

~~Mark incorrect answers.

~~Have students rewrite the sentences that have

unnecessary words.


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